Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Spot of Tea

Over the weekend we all had a cold (LS still does a little, Mamãe even more so). This at least gave LS an opportunity to try something new.

LS took great interest in this hot drink that we were drinking, so we decided to give some to her. Wow, did she like it! After these initial tastes, we've also occasionally given her some in her own cup. She asks for it by name!

In Portuguese the word for tea is "chá" - pretty much pronounced like "shah". We introduced her quickly to the English word also, which of course is just as easy and comes out just as well.

You can catch some other Portuguese words in there if you know what you're listening for. She's getting better with her "faz favor" ("please") too. If you hear something that's "pee-shah-doh" that's her way of saying "chapéu" ("sha-poh'"), which means "hat" (since there were pictures of hats on the mug with the tea!).

At the end there she's thinking the camera is a telephone, not like you can really tell the difference these days. And I'm sure less-so by the time she's ready to use either one.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly was very clear that she knew what she wanted, and liked it!
    She's SO precious!!
