Friday, June 26, 2009

Wigging out

LS has been on "solid" food now for almost two months. We noticed not long afterward that her hair was getting thicker. This recently accelerated almost out of control, and you can tell by the look on her face that even she's a little freaked out about it.

For reasons of safety, we think soon we'll have to start putting a hair net on her any time she goes to bed.

Weirder still is when we tried to cut it, it just came back again. But different. And longer. This mirror shot captures her surprise.

And talk about unmanageable...

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Letter 'M'

Today's post is brought to you by the letter 'M'.

LS starting really pronouncing 'M' today. She's been mouthing it for a while, but today she put it all together. Pretty cute stuff.

We had a great Father's Day weekend. Filled with family and fun. LS performed admirably with various car travel and different sleeping arrangements (sleeping over Avó and Grandpa's house for the first time even!).

We're definitely glad she's a good and seemingly adaptable sleeper - and we're really hoping that carries over during the flights to and from Portugal later this summer! (fingers crossed) We're really hoping not to be the ones with the screaming baby everyone had to put up with on their transcontinental flight!

Here's LS showing off her 'M':

Thursday, June 18, 2009


From LS's point of view, we've been going by the names Mamãe (muh-my') and Papai (puh-pie'), both playful forms of the names for mother and father in Portuguese.

When I hear Papai I often hear it as a funny pronunciation of Popeye, which if I'm going to live up to I'll have to "eats me spinach". Perhaps her friends will expect me to have a corn-cob pipe and call her "Swee'pea" too. I'm going to draw the line at getting a tattoo of an anchor on me for'ams though.

We took the picture below today. Uncanny resemblance.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend visit

Memere came for a visit for a long weekend - Friday night to Monday night. A good time was had by all.

On Sunday, Memere got LS all to herself so mom could sell some hats. The two had a good time together, and both were well behaved. :-) And of course, this was incredibly handy for mom and dad. Anytime Memere wants to take a 6 hour round-trip plane ride to do some babysitting, we're all for it!

The moment caught below was shortly before Memere left to go back home (really good laughing between 0:48 and 1:08! (followed by a great impersonation of a pterodactyl)).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Froggy Bonus Clip

This was taken yesterday also, after the pictures. You can see how well the two get along.

Monday, June 1, 2009


LS is now 7/12 the way around the sun.

Stat check: 14.5 pounds - LS "unofficial" weight at 7 months ("Dad + LS - Dad" method)

If that's fairly accurate, it means she's gained about 1.5 pounds this month (she was 12 pounds 15 ounces at the six month checkup).

Here's LS showing off her look after enjoying one of her favorites - avacado! Taken yesterday, May 31.

We all thought this was a great occassion for an update with Froggy (or "Sapo" em Português). If you go back to the first post with the picture with Froggy here it is crazy to see the difference.

Here's the picture from today:

Using froggy as a constant for proper scaling, we were able to put together this composite comparing LS at 8 days old and 7 months old. What a difference a couple hundred days makes!