Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Now Even Surrealer

It's been almost a month between posts, and obviously things have just gotten more surreal around here! This picture (taken a few days ago at the beach) is thanks to our camera deciding that normal shots are just too boring. It's developed some type of problem that makes it lean to pink and also get streaky. Just too weird. So I guess we'll have to get a new camera soon! This one has lasted us about 6 or 7 years maybe, so it's done its job well enough.

Naturally a lot has gone on in the last month or so. Memére came for a long weekend to visit, which was very exciting. We also went to Maine for a weekend. Memére bought LS a new placemat which is a map of the whole world - very exciting! Now she no longer mistakes India for Florida.

She's taken to some songs, beyond our made-up ones. She can sing just about the whole "Row Your Boat" song. And a few days ago we started with the "ABC's" song (which she actually was calling the "ABCD's" at first). She can fill in some of it if you pause for her. And apparently "I" isn't distinguishable enough from "9" because part of the song usually goes "H9JK".

This is an early recording of the ABCD's a couple days after starting. Made all the more dramatic by our malfunctioning camera. It does have some sort of art house quality to it.

So much more to tell, hopefully we'll stay on top of it better.