Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Did It!

So said LS yesterday at the lake. It was a great moment, the kind of which there are probably precious too few in a lifetime. I think it was how she would've sounded if she could've talked when she first started taking steps for the first time.

In this case, it was her deciding to really put her face in the water for the first time. She pinched her nose, closed her mouth, and painfully slowly lowered her face in, just about to the eyes. When she stood back up she was absolutely beaming, her eyes absolutely lit up with joy, and squealed "I did it!". I hope I always remember what that looked like.

Since it's been so long saying anything here, I'll randomly throw in a video. This was about two weeks ago, an activity that we do very occasionally after taking down her outside baby swing for a normal one. A video is worth 1,000 words, so:

I'll throw in a last thing for the family in Portugal. Tonight at dinner we had melancia (watermelon) which can be a messy undertaking at her age. As we were walking into the house, LS was remarking at how much of the juice she had on her and said: "Eu estou toda melanciada" (translated basically as "I am all watermeloned". I asked "melanciada?" and says, "Sim, é uma palavra inventada" ("It's a made up word"). And a good one at that.