Sunday, January 25, 2009

Use of Tools

We were witness today to LS's first use of tools! In this case it was her own thumb. But still.

She was fussing enough for us to go get her up from her nap, so dad went in to fetch her. As he approached, LS had her head turned in the opposite direction, with the thumb of her left hand securely in her mouth and engaged in "soothing mode".

Of course, dad ran out and got mom to see this impressive show of genius first hand. When we got back, LS still had the tool engaged. She pulled the thumb out and did fuss some more momentarily. But then, as we watched, she brought her hand back up to her face and put her thumb to work once more.


As this happened, dad thought he could faintly hear that music made famous in 2001: A Space Odyssey in the background.


  1. Self soothing is so sweet. Sounds like you've changed your mind about thumb sucking?

  2. I've got to learn to sign John out before posting comments. You know John's not reading this. It's me. -RM

  3. Not sure we have a consistent thumb sucking philosophy in place yet. But for this one she forced the issue - she had been swaddled and broke her left arm out. Determination!
