Thursday, December 18, 2008

Video Withheld

We found out early on that there were two things LS loved to scream about (and not in a fun way): being changed and being bathed. I guess both those things seem to reveal an anti-cleaning ideology.

We're making progress on both fronts, though more so with the bathing - the subject at hand here.

What mom tried was bathing LS in the bathtub with her. None of these new-fangled plastic tubs. There've been a couple done this way, and today's LS seemed to particularly enjoy. It's a great scene really - two generations bathing together. Of course mom is just getting wet, not clean. And the water is only three inches deep or so. But LS's slippery little self is easier to manage.

And this is one of those cases where silence says it all, and slight hints of cooing pleasure are heard from LS instead of a full-on high pitched auditory assault.

Stat check: 12. That's how many inches of snow we're supposed to get tomorrow. And 12 is also supposed to be the temperature tomorrow night (-11 C), which LS is even less aware of inside our toasty house of 68 degrees.

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