We've probably done this for about 10 years. For about 5 years now, she's gone by the name of "Lady Lights", which our niece M named her.
We also have tried to celebrate half-way through winter also. After the December celebrations are done, there is still so much dreary winter ahead! The mid-winter point turns out to be groundhogs day wouldn't you know it. And it turns out this isn't even a coincidence! Groundhogs day has its origins in an ancient Irish pagan holiday named Imbolc. At the center of Imbolc is a goddess, and the festival centers around the lighting of candles and fires. So, although by accident, our use of a naked woman wrapped in lights to celebrate winter being half over seems pretty appropriate!
Yes, we do keep the presents splayed at her feet while they are waiting to be opened. Mostly what she lacks is a place to hang ornaments.
Anyway, with LS in the house, now this time of year is doubly surreal! And about now, LS definitely has to be asking herself what she's gotten into.
We couldn't let the time go by without LS's first picture with Lady Lights.
- LS & LL, 2008
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