Friday, December 12, 2008

Skypin' the night away

At not even 6 weeks old, LS has already had her first videoconference. Well, video *call* anyway. As LS cannot really figure out what is going on around her yet, memere definitely enjoyed it more on her end.

It's amazing that LS is born into a world that already has the ability to make free video calls anywhere in the world. Or where you can twitter short messages to an anonymous following. Or, well, blog about your daughter to anyone who cares to listen.

This reminded dad of those old AT&T commercials from 1993, where they predicted all kinds of cool technology that would be coming and would be provided by AT&T.

This one in particular, which includes a video call with a baby in it (that baby is now likely about 16 years old!).

It's amazing that all those things in the commercial LS can now do! Well, when she gets a little better control of her arms anyway. Of course, video calls aren't in phone booths (in fact, there are barely any more phone booths) - but still. Most of those things are better than they depict - like you don't have to go to a cash machine to buy concert tickets, you can do it sitting in your pajamas at home.

Of course, if they went back and redid the commercials they'd have to say something like - "have you ever tucked a baby in over the phone? You will. And it will be free. And, uh, we're going to go nearly bankrupt and be bought up by one of our former regional bell companies by then. Oh, nevermind."

Come to think of it, it's even amazing that it took dad all of about 30 seconds to find a link to a video of an old commercial from 16 years ago that he remembered.

And by the time LS can read this, there will no doubt be all manner of things that she can do and will be in amazement that they just weren't available yet in 2008!

1 comment:

  1. Like ADC's (automatic diaper-changers)!... phew! thank god they invented THAT!
