The following notes were found on crumpled paper near LS's bassinet.Day 33. Still no sign of rescue. My warm dark past is but a fleeting memory in my dreams now. I fear I may lose my sanity. The natives, however, have begun to show signs of intelligence and use of tools.
1:45am - They finally here my crying - subtlety is lost on them. Come on, we've been sleeping since like - what? - 11?
2:00am - Not the worst changing I've had, but still could use some work. Milk is a wonderful reward.
4:29am - Changing wasn't easy this time. It seemed no matter how much I screamed it didn't make it any easier for her.
4:47am - Finally on to the milk.
8:03am - enh... Enh.
8:07am - ENH! Good, finally got the big one's attention. Not easy.
8:13am - We have to wait for the milk to warm. I don't feel patient. I tried to strike a deal - he cleans me up and I'll scream the whole time. This was another messy one - but there was no need to gawk at it.
8:27am - Too excited on the changing table - I've peed myself. It didn't seem to make things go any quicker.
8:33am - Ohhh, warmed milk. Tastes like real.
9:37am - Not very exciting, just hanging out here with the big one propped up leaning on him. Doesn't he know how to do something?
9:49am - Finally, the swing. A slightly better form of monotony.
10:08am - The littler one is up! It looked like things could get more interesting, but she decides to prop me up against her while she checks her email. *sigh*
10:45pm - Back to the swing. Yay.
10:52am - Mrs. M visits! I haven't seen anyone else but these two since Memere left yesterday. A short visit though it was.
11:18am - Great. Another changing. (
Note to self - stop peeing)
11:45am - More milk. I never get sick of this.
12:25pm - Another diaper blowout (as they so delicately put it). Do they think I feel good about it? Just get it over with please.
12:30pm - Whoa, hey! What's with the car seat? I try to keep screaming until they let me know. Go ahead, pick it up and rock it, it isn't going to wor... oh. *yawn* Mmm.
2:20pm - Wake up confused. This that mommy group again? Warm. Must sleep. Ok, I suppose a little milk won't hurt anything.
3:15pm - Wake up confused again. This the car? How does that get me fed? And no, I won't stop screaming actually.
3:35pm - More changing and more milk.
4:52pm - Found thumb. Not bad, but not worth the trouble. Yet.
4:55pm - Tummy time? Are they for real? Look. I have a heavy head. Does that amuse you?
5:08pm - Oh such good milk. I forgive all.
5:45pm - Oh, so full. Now how about we *yawn*, I mean we *yawn*. I, uh, think I'll just close my eyes. Just for a se...
8:51pm - Not sure what happened there. I just shut my eyes for a second. But then I ... Hey! I'm hungry! Of course she just has to change me first.
9:29pm - *yawn* Tired again.
11:30pm - Just laying looking at these shadows on the ceiling. What does it all mean? Crying would just bring changing. I think I'll let them sleep a little longer.