As you can see here, one woman in particular immediately offered her a ride, and she didn't hesitate to accept.
Later on, other women were slightly baffled by why she was coming up to them and tapping the seat of their walkers. (maybe it didn't help that she was asking in Portuguese: "Faz favor" (please) and "para cima" (up))
We got the sense that it would be best to put the two ends of the age spectrum together and everyone else just stay out of the way.
Unfortunately I didn't capture much video footage of these low-speed rides (picture the Seinfeld episode with the Lark chase scenes). But I did get this exchange:
I had to stop filming and step in before it came to blows (kidding!). LS tried out the ride on a wheelchair on the lap, but she didn't like it as much. There's just nothing compared to being out in the open, sitting on your own seat, the still air in your face as you progress almost imperceptibly down the hall. Nothing but you, the road, and your senior companion providing the power.
It really seemed like a great experience for all. So much so that we're seriously considering randomly stopping at a senior living facility near us without even knowing anyone there. Just popping in and visiting whoever happens to be there, and just seeing where it goes.
In all seriousness, if you have a young one, we highly recommend it. It seems like a situation with only winners on all sides.
Aha! how the world does turn. . . as Daddy spent time every week in one of those places from the time he was 2 weeks old until he was 9 years old!
ReplyDeleteOld people and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. It just works!