Thursday, November 19, 2009

Standing, Bathing, Having a Grand Ol' Time

We'll cover a couple things here.

First topic - LS got up and stood for the first time today. It was seen a couple times anyway. Still not walking - but in the words of Scooby: "Ruht-roh!"

She has stood up while holding on to a couch, gate, or wall for a while now. And will sometimes let go for a couple seconds before she realizes what she's doing. But this was middle-of-the-floor get-up-from-a-seated-position type stuff. The standing itself only lasted about 3 seconds before she fell back to sitting mind you. But I think we all know where this is headed pretty soon...

Tonight was a bath night for LS, and it just so happened that I had my fancy phone-with-video-recording handy so I decided to get some clips. Oh, baths used to be so fun. I remember fitting into bath tubs. Somewhere around 30 years ago.

Here are two clips. The first one LS is just splashing around.

In this next one, LS is having fun with the water draining out of the tub. At the end of this one, LS explains how the lever for the drain works. Or something.

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