This past week we had some nice fall days. The leaves are pretty, and the weather isn't too cold yet.
LS got a couple chances to romp out in the leaves and had a good time of it.
You can probably tell by the look on her face that she doesn't know yet that these things have to be gathered, put in bags, and put out for someone to take away. It's all just fun and games at this point!
LS is only one week away from the big "1". Naturally, it's hard for us to believe. And just as naturally, LS couldn't care less... We're getting her ready though. She's been practicing putting one finger in the air. That way she can satisfy those curious adults who might be tempted to ask her just how old she is now.
You can see below that LS is pretty much ready to take on the world. Even preparing herself for that other Fall pastime - Football!
You don't want to find yourself on the business end of this 19 pound bullet!

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