Yesterday, LS took her first solo road trip with dad. We headed to Wellesley to visit LS's cousin before her graduation next week. LS can't make the graduation, so we figured she should go on this visit to see the campus!
She behaved very well, including a feeding in the college cafeteria. She gave quite a speech in the middle of her meal, getting the attention of most in the cafeteria. Even better, her dear cousin did her first baby bottle-feeding following the solid-food portion of the meal.
Today, mom had her first show to sell hats since LS hit the scene. It was a very lightly attended show, but she still sold 3 hats. We set up outside with a tent, and luckily it was a beautiful day - after having been a pretty rainy week.
LS had a baby-sitter for the morning while the show was set up. Her baby-sitter will soon have her speaking better Portuguese than her parents and we'll have to struggle to keep up!
Despite a day of shorter naps, LS did well. She's been eating really well, and growing of course.
It's pretty much a trend now that she sleeps through the night. Usually 7pm-7am or something along those lines. Many days she's taking 2 to 3 hour naps also. Giving mom extra time to get some work done! (And do things like make LS's food...)
After today's show, LS hung out while we packed up. Here she's learning the subtleties of flowers from mom.

It was a really beautiful day today. So after this she relaxed in the shade of the tent barefoot with a book while we finished packing. :-) Ahhhhh...

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