Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Boogey Man

I didn't understand as a kid what this "Boogey ("Bogey"? "Boogie"?) Man" I was supposed to be afraid of was. Growing up in the 70's, "Boogie" had a fun connotation. Just dancing around. What's the fear with some guy dancing? I've since learned that a guy dancing can, indeed, be scary.

But anyway - LS had a different "boogey" issue recently. She didn't sleep well Sunday night. She uncharacteristically (at least for recently) woke up several times during the night. Mom hasn't been sleeping too well lately, but LS hasn't really had problems in that department.

The next day we think we figured out what the problem was. Her first case of the sniffles. It really isn't too bad, enough so you can hear the rattling in there when she breathes, and enough to make her uncomfortable now and again. Life is tough when you rely on breathing through your nose. I suppose even more so if you are breastfeeding.

We got to use the bulb syringe a couple times - and she isn't even scared of it. She seemed pretty good during the day today. A lot of time out in the stroller slightly inclined probably helps.

She was better last night than Sunday night, so our fingers are crossed for tonight to be even better still.

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