120 days. 4 Months. 1/3 of a year. No matter how you slice it - wow.
LS has had a good day, but the significance of one day versus another doesn't exist for her.
Something happened this morning that would be nice if it was the start of a trend. LS took a 2+ hour nap. While she's generally slept well at night, the daytime naps have been very demanding - sometimes less than hour, and then sometimes less than an hour between them.
And this 2+ hour nap in the morning was after sleeping 11+ hours (8 hours in one stretch) last night.
Unfortunately, it seems that the more mom gets to sleep, the harder it is to get woken up from it. A cruel irony. Not that she's wishing for only getting sleep in 2 hour slices again!
Yesterday LS took her first walk out with dad. The weather had been nicer the day before, but it just didn't work out. With mom out with a friend, dad and LS decided to go for that walk. Instead of using the stroller, LS got to be carried and view all of the surroundings from a vertical vantage point.
There were so many things to take in! Trees, houses, cars, etc.. She seemed curious about all of it. LS decided we should bring the walk to the coffee shop, where mom was, for a quick hello. So it also became a bit of a visit with some of the townies while we were there.
We can't wait for Spring to arrive. Then walks will be warm, birds will sing, and LS can explore beyond the inside of the house.