Monday, March 30, 2009


Nicki has gotten much braver over the months - at least with regards to LS. Whenever she comes around now, we say "Gato!" to LS. Nicki has learned that this is Portuguese for "Come here kitty so we can have LS pet you!".

We got this picture last week. Tolerant eh?

This video was shot yesterday. It just shows that Nicki will take attention wherever she can get it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Go ahead and jump!

LS isn't jumping yet, but she did try out her "jumpup" for the first time today. She seemed to like it. And had some to say about it here:

For a sense of scale, LS wanted a picture with dad. From this perch in the doorway, LS gets views of the sitting rooom, the kitchen, and the eating room out onto the back porch.

She seemed to enjoy trying to keep an eye on Nicki as she walked from the eating room to the kitchen and back. Of course, she hasn't mastered the skill of turning to face a specific direction yet.

We'll be sure to capture more footage of LS on this contraption as she builds up her skill level.

Friday, March 20, 2009

More to Say

We captured LS in a more talkative mood this afternoon. She hanging around with Macaco (monkey) and goes on a pretty good ramble. Also some good camera angles and the patented "eyeball extreme closeup" move.

She's more pensive at the beginning as she gathers her thoughts on what it is she wants to say. And also somewhat reflective at the end to give you a chance to consider her points. Very considerate.

Back to Sleep

It looks like LS is back to her good sleeping ways, at least for the past couple nights. 9+ hour stretches each of the last two nights.

LS has also in the last couple days started to verbalize more. It sounds like a little more complex syllables and seems much more directed while she's doing it. We'll try to get good video of it to show off soon.

Unfortunately mom seems to have come down with whatever cold LS has had recently. Which isn't helping HER sleep any.

At least Spring is here - and we have the 40 degree weather to prove it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Getting back to sleep

Update: The dream that LS would sleep better last night lasted about 30 minutes. She used to be so good at it!

Maybe tonight?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Boogey Man

I didn't understand as a kid what this "Boogey ("Bogey"? "Boogie"?) Man" I was supposed to be afraid of was. Growing up in the 70's, "Boogie" had a fun connotation. Just dancing around. What's the fear with some guy dancing? I've since learned that a guy dancing can, indeed, be scary.

But anyway - LS had a different "boogey" issue recently. She didn't sleep well Sunday night. She uncharacteristically (at least for recently) woke up several times during the night. Mom hasn't been sleeping too well lately, but LS hasn't really had problems in that department.

The next day we think we figured out what the problem was. Her first case of the sniffles. It really isn't too bad, enough so you can hear the rattling in there when she breathes, and enough to make her uncomfortable now and again. Life is tough when you rely on breathing through your nose. I suppose even more so if you are breastfeeding.

We got to use the bulb syringe a couple times - and she isn't even scared of it. She seemed pretty good during the day today. A lot of time out in the stroller slightly inclined probably helps.

She was better last night than Sunday night, so our fingers are crossed for tonight to be even better still.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stat Checks

A few days ago, LS had her 4-month pediatric checkup (this past Wednesday). All is well, and she took the shots like a trooper.

She didn't seem to have a good opinion of the "Rotavirus drink". But, really, can you imagine having a good opinion of something someone is trying to force you to drink and calling it "Rotavirus drink"? Mmmmm...

Weighing in at 11 lbs 15.1 oz, she still qualifies as a Flyweight. At the rate she's going, she'll be up to Bantamweight before we know it. Her length was 23 1/2 inches, giving her reasonable reach. At a head size of 41 cm (16.14 inches) she's got some weight to throw around there.

Recently we've adopted a periodic alternate bedtime routine that we call "pés na água" ("O laidinha! Queres pôr as pés na água?" - "Do you want to put your feet in the water?") that comes into play instead of a full time at the bath. This involves sitting at the edge of the bathroom sink and splashing her feet in the water. She also sits in the sink for some quick washing. It's a good fit for her actually.

She seems to like it, no?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


120 days. 4 Months. 1/3 of a year. No matter how you slice it - wow.

LS has had a good day, but the significance of one day versus another doesn't exist for her.

Something happened this morning that would be nice if it was the start of a trend. LS took a 2+ hour nap. While she's generally slept well at night, the daytime naps have been very demanding - sometimes less than hour, and then sometimes less than an hour between them.

And this 2+ hour nap in the morning was after sleeping 11+ hours (8 hours in one stretch) last night.

Unfortunately, it seems that the more mom gets to sleep, the harder it is to get woken up from it. A cruel irony. Not that she's wishing for only getting sleep in 2 hour slices again!

Yesterday LS took her first walk out with dad. The weather had been nicer the day before, but it just didn't work out. With mom out with a friend, dad and LS decided to go for that walk. Instead of using the stroller, LS got to be carried and view all of the surroundings from a vertical vantage point.

There were so many things to take in! Trees, houses, cars, etc.. She seemed curious about all of it. LS decided we should bring the walk to the coffee shop, where mom was, for a quick hello. So it also became a bit of a visit with some of the townies while we were there.

We can't wait for Spring to arrive. Then walks will be warm, birds will sing, and LS can explore beyond the inside of the house.