But dad spent the whole week sick. Finally on the upswing. The worst part was not wanting mom or LS to get sick - so not being to hold LS for days now. There'll be serious cuddling to do when this passes!
LS has been doing just great sleeping. More often than not this week there has been an 8 or so hour stretch of sleep to start the night. We seem to be in a real rhythm figuring out this sleep thing. For now. Usually this sleep period starts around 6pm to 7pm. The daytime napping is still broken up, but we're working on consolidating those a little bit with some success.
More than once we've put LS down at 5-something in the afternoon thinking and hoping that it is the last day nap and not the first long night sleep. And then, uh oh, she keeps sleeping. And sleeping. And sleeping. Kind of a De-Energizer Bunny.
This week LS started a new little quirk when being put down for a nap or bedtime. Mom would sing to her once putting her down to sleep. And LS would soon smile, then turn her head to sleep. How cute!
There's also been great progress on the figuring-out-what-to-do-with-hands front. LS is spending more time bringing her hands up to her face and gnawing on them. We know that this means soon there will be things in those hands that she'll be gnawing on!
Something else developed in about the last week that is a good measure of how much LS has grown. A common breastfeeding technique now employed is for LS to sit on mom's lap and breastfeed! This is quite a sight - we'll see about some appropriate pictures of this soon maybe.
The picture below was captured just yesterday. Her eyes look particularly huge in this one. This is how she is now - just taking in the whole world.
Oh - and LS's hair is just the *tiniest* bit thicker these days. It's hard to imagine what she'll look like with hair though!
Ela parece estar curiosa! :)