LS had two important trips today. The first was to go to the Post Office and apply for her official government identification (also known as "Passport"). Now hopefully she won't end up on the terrorist watch list. I wonder - will she be forced to take off her shoes when going through the security check at the airport?
For a good laugh, check out the review comments on this toy.
The picture had to be turned in with the paperwork, but when we get the official document maybe we'll post her mug shot.
As if that excitement wasn't enough, it was also the big trip to the Doctor's office. The one with vaccination shots involved. She handled it pretty well all in all. Actually she seemed more upset during the first part where the Doctor checked her ears and mouth and all that. Three quick shots - man the Doctor was quick with those needles. She was needled and band-aided before she knew what hit her. Of course being nursed while that was happening didn't hurt the cause...
And she kinda looked tough sitting there afterward with a band-aid on each thigh.
On to the vital stats! The official weigh-in was 10 lbs 5.6 oz.
* 93% gain from birth weight
* 113% gain from lowest weight (day after birth)
* 1.2 oz/day since day after birth
This is definitely slower than those chicken-leg-a-day gains of more than half her life ago. But still a little over half a pound a week. Two quarter-pounders a week. Not bad!
She was also measured length-wise, and hit the 22 inch mark (22% growth since birth). Given 113% weight gain and 22% length gain, you might imagine she is getting a little chubbier than she used to be. Here's a picture that definitely shows how right you'd be! Those cheeks!
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