Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Surreal

Lady Surreal (not her real name!) is pretty new to this world. About 4.5 days as of this post actually.

What could be more surreal than coming from the womb and being plunked into the outside world? The moniker is a play on her name, but also comes from her time glowing blue on a UV light table.

The purpose of this blog is to share information about what's going on in her life. Mostly so family and friends can keep up with that sort of thing from time to time. Names have been changed or generalized to protect the innocent.

So far things are good. She is a great nurser, thanks to the efforts of mom. After losing weight the first day, she has gained some weight back each subsequent day. She is pretty easily consoled and seems to like being held (which she is never lacking volunteers to do). The last two days she has been sleeping 3 hours at a time and has to be woken for her nursing sessions - at which she is expert.

She started a little over 5 1/4 lbs and 18 inches long, and is now back to just under 5 lbs.

Good chance she'll be headed home with mom and dad tomorrow. Won't that be an adventure?

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